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小二儿: People with low self esteem are more aggressive.
2013-5-18 00:27 回复|
小二儿: We know what will make us happy.
2013-5-18 00:26 回复|
小二儿: When we only pay attention to what we didn't get, we become blind to what we already received.
2013-5-18 00:26 回复|
小二儿: If you good at something make people pay for that, that is called  a job.my 12 years son said.
2013-5-18 00:26 回复|
小二儿: Smart like you do not negated yourself because the asshole  negate you !
2013-5-18 00:26 回复|
小二儿: The way you are is not the result of what has happened to you, it's the result of what you decide to keep inside you.
2013-5-18 00:25 回复|
小二儿: Sometimes things feeling bad from the start, the end result also not good.believe your own intuition.
2013-5-18 00:25 回复|
小二儿: People are selected each other, if you do not like me, I will not like you.
2013-5-18 00:25 回复|
小二儿: Never waste your feelings on people who don't value them.
2013-5-18 00:23 回复|
徐茂公: 使别人幸福的人,自己也一定能得到幸福。一种美好的心情胜过十副良药。
2013-5-17 17:13 回复|
2013-5-11 15:26 回复|
2013-5-11 02:39 回复|
chzj021: 长虹证件代办加拿大文凭QQ897029955教育部学历认证 助您:出国留学之路●留学回国之路●创业之路●畅行无阻●前途无忧! 长虹证件集团有限公司·2002年8月8日成立于上海,是一家经营多年,分点较多,业务较...
2013-5-10 21:43 回复|
2013-5-6 15:58 回复|
徐茂公: 一个人不能有傲气,但不能没有傲骨。骨气是借助于品格所表现出来的道德准则。有骨气的人是他们所属那个社会的良心。品格是世界上最强大的动力之一。
2013-4-26 06:04 回复|
徐茂公: 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。
2013-4-5 07:18 回复|
草榴社区新地址: caoliu1024:          http://yinsizhichu.tumblr.com 草榴最新地址发布:    http://caoliuxoxo.pen.io 草榴最新地址发布:    http://1024fenxiang.tumblr.com 草榴社区邀请码:      http://yinsizhichu.pen. ...
2013-4-3 06:47 回复|
加国有梦: 《非诚勿扰》 20130324期
2013-3-24 11:22 回复|
徐茂公: 几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。
2013-3-15 06:09 回复|
加国有梦: 惊心:监控实拍女子闯红灯 被撞空中转体1080度
2013-3-5 08:42 回复|


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